5 Minutes
'5 Minutes' is a 3D survival platform game that was developed for the Games Development core subject Game Design Studio 2, with the same group who made 'A Mage Lost'. Our team had collectively decided to take a step further with our development skills by creating a 3D game, and gain more experience working with the extra dimension in Unity. Just like Game Design Studio 1, our group continued using the agile development process and divided the term into 5 sprints. We also performed 2 SCRUM meetings within each sprint to document our progress, tasks, and reflections. In this particular subject, we also had the opportunity to collaborate with students doing the Music & Sound Design subject (MSD), who worked on the musical score and sound effects of our game.
However, the game was initially planned to be a local multiplayer party game, with interchanging minigames that challenged players with survival and combat modes. Unfortunately, it took our team half the term to realise that it was beyond our capabilities and scope, and had to quickly adapt our plan and assets into something that was more familiar to our skills and knowledge. You will observe in the sprint documents below about this drastic change at Sprint 4.
Although the final prototype of our game did not go according to our initial plan from the beginning of the term, and a lot of time had been wasted on fulfilling an out-of-scope feature, our group had learned a valuable lesson. We agreed that we were too ambitious with our project for this subject, and should have stuck with what we knew best. That way, our game would have had a more clear, achievable objective, and it would have been a lot more enjoyable and complete experience to play
In Sprint 1, we spent the first few weeks planning out the layout of our game in the form of a huge list of user stories. Listed below are what we initially intended for '5 Minutes'.
As a player, I want graphical instruments which help me to understand what's going on.
As a player, I want an intuitive user interface so that I will not spend too much time navigating on it.
As a player, I want more clarity about when a weapon has run out of ammo so that I know to discard it
As a player, I want a minimalistic and concise user interface so that it does not confuse me when I am in a fight.
As a player, I want to be written visual instructions of what is the goal of each mini-game before the game starts.
As a player, I want information about how much time I have visible on the screen.
As a player, I want a match rotation to be quick so that I can play as many as possible with a limited time.
As a player, I want to be able to move.
As a player, I want intuitive controls so that I do not take too long to adapt to this game’s controls.
As a player, I want the game to have an action to avoid getting hit so that the melee fight doesn't become static.
As a player, I want to be able to jump to avoid and traverse obstacles while having a way to maneuver around the arena
As a player, I want to be able to pick up objects around the arena so that I can either complete an objective or use as an advantage against other players
As a player, I want to be able to pick up an object just by moving over it
As a player, I want to throw a picked-up object so that I can move it over a great distance or use it to knock back other players
As a player, I don’t want to be able to melee if I have an object so that it is balanced during an objective-based game
As a player, I want myself to be able to fight with enemies.
As a player, I want a multiplayer game where I could play with at least 1-3 other players.
As a player, I want the game to be played as a team fight so that there can be more ways of enjoying this game.
As a player, I want deaths to not be extremely punishing so that I can make a comeback in the game
As a player, I want myself to be resurrected right after I die so that I can be continuously involved in the match.
As a player, I want the spawning point to change randomly so that no one can take an easy kill near the spawning point.
As a player, I would like weapons in the game
As a player, I want different weapons so that I can do different things with the weapons.
As a player, I want a powerful weapon that is very hard to find but can be a gamechanger so that the game doesn't get boring.
As a player, I want a simple weapon that can be found easily so that the melee fight can start relatively early.
As a player, I want some ranged weapons like firearms so that I can fight from a distance.
As a player, I want weapons to spawn to be random so that it is balanced and fair to all players.
As a player, I want to be able to discard/exchange a weapon so that I am not stuck with a weapon I don’t like
As a player, I want to know when weapons will spawn so that I can plan to grab it
As a player, I want the match to happen in any sort of closed environment like an island so that everyone is close enough to do something.
As a player, I want to have the ability to customize the game so that I and my friend can enjoy the match with more control.
As a player, I want mechanisms on the map which merits and demerits the player so that it can become some variable of the match.
As a player, I want the map to get smaller and smaller so that the high-scored opponent player cannot win by simply running away
As a developer, I want the outer rim of the map to fall out to narrow the map so that I don’t have to develop too many new things.
As a player, I want the map to change continuously so that the match can be unpredictable.
As a player, I want some portion of the map to randomly disappear or appear so that it can be a variable.
As a developer, I want the map change to be patterned so that it cannot have a chance to mess up the map.
As a player, I want some traps hidden on the map.
As a player, I want the map to have a launching plate that sends players to the sky.
As a player, I want the map to have a teleport portal that sends players to a distanced place.
As a graphic artist, I want the teleport portal to be less costly in graphical resources but yet still look obviously a portal.
As a graphics artist, I want a spiral texture shader to be shown on the portal’s surface.
As a player, I want the map to be themed.
As a player, I want the map to be themed based on biomes.
As a player, I want all the biomes to be seen in one match.
As a player, I want the map to be tiled so that I can know the boundary of each biome.
As a developer, I want the map to be procedurally generated.
As a player, I would like powerups in the game.
As a player, I want objects that would boost me.
As a player, I want powerups that affect speed so that I can move around the map very quickly.
As a player, I want objects that would debuff other players.
As a player, I want powerups that affect the whole map so that I can hit everyone.
As a player, I want the sight to be blind occasionally so that it becomes a chance to run from a dangerous situation.
As a player, I want gravity to flip occasionally so that it becomes a chance to run from a dangerous situation.
As a player, I want a game that is friendly to all skill levels.
As a player, I want a tutorial before each mini-game so that I can familiarise myself with the rules.
As a player, I want a good amount of different mini-games to make the game less repetitive.
As a player, I want a shooting mini-game where the player who earns the highest score in a limited time wins.
As a player, I want dynamic gameplay with a lot of fast movement to make the game more exciting.
As a player, I want a racing mini-game where scores are based on your position.
As a player, I want a melee-fighting mini-game where the last player standing wins.
As a player, I want the game to have a time attack mode in which the fastest player to achieve a designated score wins.
As a player, I want a treasure hunting game in which the player can gain a score by finding valuable items.
As a player, I want a flag porting game in which the player can gain a score by bringing a flag to a certain spot.
As a player, I want a battle royale so that the players can purely fight for the entire game.
As a player, I want something that doesn't corrupt the game balance at all but looks fancy.
As a player, I want a feature to decorate my character so that my character can be beautiful and distinguishable in the game.
As a player, I want the objective of the game to have variety so that it would make the game more fun.
As a player, I want the game to have two main game modes.
As a player, I want the game to have a time limit as the objective so that I can compete with other players to achieve the most points.
As a player, I want the game to have a point limit as the objective so that I can compete with other players by gaining the maximum amount of points first.
As a player, I want well-designed levels so I can enjoy the game.
In this sprint, the group is focusing on laying down all the main mechanics in the project and providing the groundwork for a working tech demo by the end of the sprint. The group should aim for a working networking system, which does not need to be integrated with the other game mechanics, but should be made in a different scene to test required functions for the multiplayer game. Most of the main player mechanics should also be done by the end of the sprint, along with a state-changing arena for the players to play on. An intuitive interface should also be integrated into the project as well.
My Tasks:
As a player, I want a multiplayer game where I could play with at least 1-3 other players. (1hr)
As a player, I want a lobby system so that I can create or join a room with other players. (2hr)
As a player, I want to start playing when there is at least 1 other player in the lobby with me. (1hr)
As a player, I want to put my own player name into the game so that I can be identified easily in-game. (0.5hrs)
As a player, I want the movement of other players playing the game to update the client-side along with mine so I know what the other players are doing. (1hr)
Total Hours: 5.5h
SCRUM Meeting 1
[US07.1] As a player, I want a lobby system so that I can create or join a room with other players. (2hr)
Time Spent: 2hrs
To Do:
[US07.1] As a player, I want a lobby system so that I can create or join a room with other players. (2hr)
[US07.2] As a player, I want to start playing when there is at least 1 other player in the lobby with me. (1hr)
[US07.3] As a player, I want to put my own player name into the game so that I can be identified easily in-game. (0.5hrs)
[US07.4] As a player, I want the movement of other players playing the game to update the client-side along with mine so I know what the other players are doing. (1hr)
Total Hours: 4.5hrs
Had to create my own placeholder assets for [US07.1]
Need to learn more networking knowledge in Mirror for [US07.1]
SCRUM Meeting 2
[US07.1] As a player, I want a lobby system so that I can create or join a room with other players. (2hr)
Time Spent: 2hrs
To Do:
[US07.1] As a player, I want a lobby system so that I can create or join a room with other players. (2hr)
[US07.2] As a player, I want to start playing when there is at least 1 other player in the lobby with me. (1hr)
[US07.3] As a player, I want to put my own player name into the game so that I can be identified easily in-game. (0.5hrs)
[US07.4] As a player, I want the movement of other players playing the game to update the client-side along with mine so I know what the other players are doing. (1hr)
Total Time: 4.5hrs
My role currently during this sprint is not a top priority, although I must work on my tasks in preparation for the upcoming sprints.
Retrospective Meeting
The SCRUM meetings that were organized in the past week had great turnouts, and everyone was able to update each other on their progress. Communication was performed frequently throughout the sprint. The group also generated the necessary user stories for the sprint, and appropriately assigned them to each member.
There have been a few minor setbacks regarding git and the conflicts that rose between commits, but most of the time they were quickly resolved. The group also had to make a few plan adjustments for the game, as our first build had to be a single-player game, as it was the only way to create a working game without the networking API integrated into it.
The group should organise more impromptu meetings between each other so that the tasks that require more than 1 member will be completed a lot quicker with a clear line of communication.
The group will continue to communicate frequently with each other and update our progress between each sprint. The user stories will continue to be added to the backlog based on the GDD and the feedback we receive. The 2 SCRUM meetings will continue to be planned well enough for all members to attend.
During this sprint of the project, I was tasked with getting ahead on understanding the multiplayer and networking features and implementing them into a separate scene in the project. I was able to create a mock-up lobby system with a simple UI, which demonstrates how the Mirror Networking API will be integrated with the game mechanics created by the other group members.
Because the networking implementation of the game is not a priority for this sprint’s build, there wasn’t much I can do to directly affect the current project build. Instead, I had to generate placeholders for the UI by myself to understand how the networking API worked.
By the next sprint, I should contribute more towards integrating the multiplayer features into the project build of the game, as well as working closely together with the other group members to make each game mechanic compatible for multiplayer.
I will continue with implementing the networking API for the game and make sure that the game will be playable within a LAN network within the upcoming sprints. I will work closely with the group members to make sure the game mechanics will be consistent between each client when the game is played.
Resolve all the bugs spotted and enhancements suggested. Additionally, we want to try bringing a few more game modes we planned in the GDD (drop tile mode & dodgeball mode.
My Tasks:
[US07] As a player, I want a multiplayer game where I could play with at least 1-3 other players. (5hr)
[US07.3] As a player, I want to put my own player name into the game so that I can be identified easily in-game. (0.5hrs)
[US07.4] As a player, I want the movement of other players playing the game to update the client-side along with mine so I know what the other players are doing. (1hr)
[US07.5] As a player, I want to be able to spawn in from the lobby into the game world so I can start playing (1hr)
Total Hours: 7.5hrs
SCRUM Meeting 1
None (refer to impediments)
Time Spent: 2hrs
To Do:
[US07] As a player, I want a multiplayer game where I could play with at least 1-3 other players. (5hr)
[US07.3] As a player, I want to put my own player name into the game so that I can be identified easily in-game. (0.5hrs)
[US07.4] As a player, I want the movement of other players playing the game to update the client-side along with mine so I know what the other players are doing. (1hr)
[US07.5] As a player, I want to be able to spawn in from the lobby into the game world so I can start playing (1hr)
Remaining: 4hrs
​Been caught up with an assessment from another subject, and thus no progress has been made
SCRUM Meeting 2
[US07.3] As a player, I want to put my own player name into the game so that I can be identified easily in-game. (0.5hrs)
[US07.5] As a player, I want to be able to spawn in from the lobby into the game world so I can start playing (1hr)
To Do:
[US07] As a player, I want a multiplayer game where I could play with at least 1-3 other players. (5hr)
[US07.4] As a player, I want the movement of other players playing the game to update the client-side along with mine so I know what the other players are doing. (1hr)
[US22] As a player, I want to use VPN software so that I can play the game from a separate network (30mins)
Assignments from other subjects are still acting as obstacles for the project and the tasks that I still need to do.
Integrating the networking features into the game that has been created by the other team members have proven to be very challenging, as there is little communication due to the availability
Retrospective Meeting
The attendance for the scrum meetings was generally very positive. Communication between members was on a decent level, and many impromptu meetings were made to work on the game.
A lot of the aspects between the game mechanics and the networking API were incompatible. The integration was extremely difficult to implement, and most communication was only restricted to the scrum meetings that were organised.
Our team still needs to strive and communicate more often with each other and organize more meetings to discuss the game’s standing. Each member’s role must be understood fully by each other so that miscommunication is kept to a minimum.
The team must keep communicating with each other and discuss the game’s standing. Use the knowledge gained from feedback and discussion to organize a plan of action for the upcoming sprints.
A lot of the networking features that have been implemented in the test scene were working as expected.
Integrating the networking API with the actual game has proven to be extremely difficult and cumbersome to perform. There were so many scripts and prefabs being used that it is hard to keep track of which needs to be controlled by the server or the client.
I need to communicate more with the team on where everything is within the game project so that I can properly implement the networking API. Even so, it is hard to learn the features of the networking API, so I should try to find other ways of learning this hard topic.
I will listen closely to the team and the feedback we receive from the playtests, and then create a plan of action on what to do before starting the next sprint.
From the start of this sprint, the group had decided to change up the plan and scope of the game into a 3D single-player survival platformer. In this way, the team was able to focus on creating a complete game as it adhered to the development skills we already knew while using the assets collected from the initial project. Below are the new user stories created by the group for our modified game.
As a player, I want an enclosed world with many interactions with different objects/obstacles
As a player, I want the world to be set in a human’s house
As a level designer, I want the house to have multiple rooms.
As a player, I want each room of the house to be themed differently to provide more variety.
As a player, I want some rooms to be dark with no light.
As a level designer, I want a living room with a TV.
As a level designer, I want a study room with an iMac and bookshelves.
As a level designer, I want a washroom with a washstand and a loo.
As a level designer, I want a bedroom.
As a level designer, I want a kitchen with a gas stove.
As a player, I want to be a sentient toy that is trying to save my toy friend so that they do not leave the house with the human
As a player, I want to be able to move around the house and interact with many objects
As a player, I want to move around with WASD keys
As a player, I want to interact/pick up objects with the E key.
As a player, I want to be able to jump so that I can interact with more objects on a different height level.
As a player, I want to be able to jump on objects with the Space Bar.
As a player, I want to be able to change view and sight.
As a player, I want to be able to look around by moving my mouse.
As a player, I want the human to be spawned at different places every time so that it gives a different game experience every time.
As a player, I want all things to be animated.
As a player, I want the human to be animated with specialized animations for every interaction it does.
As a player, I want the player’s activity to be animated.
As a player, I want some necessary map components to be animated.
As a player, I want multiple game objectives in one game.
As a playable character, I want to distract the human.
As a player, I want to distract the human by turning on the TV.
As a player, I want to distract the human by messing up with bookshelves.
As a player, I want to distract the human by turning off the light.
As a player, I want to distract the human by fastening the water faucet.
As a player, I want some platformer/parkour as part of the level design.
As a player, I want the game to have sound effects and OST.
As a player, I want the game to have its own BGM.
As a player, I want the player’s actions to have sound effects.
As a player, I want the human’s actions to have sound effects.
As a player, I want a correct model for everything.
As a player, I want a correct model for the human.
As a player, I want a correct model for the other toys.
As a player, I want the human to be AI-implemented as they are the primary obstacle towards the player
As a player, I want the human to patrol throughout the house and within certain areas/rooms
As a player, I want the human to have a certain patrol pattern within each room
As a player, I want the human to have a set destination when traveling between rooms
As a player, I want the human to have a certain speed that allows the player to be within their pace
As a player, I want the human’s movement to speed up as the game timer almost reaches 0
As a player, I want the human to have AI senses that simulate sight and hearing so there a level of realism in the game
As a player, I want a certain effect to occur whenever the player is stepped on or collides with the human
As a player, I want to have many ways of hindering the human’s movement by manipulating the world environment
As a player, I want to pick up and place certain objects (e.g. book, phone, toy truck, etc.) in front of the human in order to slow down or stop them for a few seconds
As a player, I want to be able to interact with the world to create distractions that deviate the human from their regular path (e.g. turn on the tv, tipping over bin or chair, turning on/off the lights/taps, making loud sounds, kicking the cat, etc.)
As a player, I want the human to create certain sound effects when they are performing an action (e.g. riling in pain, confusion, etc.)
As a player, I want sounds and music that will fit the game’s atmosphere and environment so that I will be engaged
As a player, I want background music that will fit the playful, goofy nature of the game
As a player, I want the background music to tell me the state of the game as time passes, such as the music becoming more frantic as the time runs out
As a player, I want sound effects to play whenever I interact with certain household objects (e.g. TV sounds when turned on, taps running when turned on, etc.)
As a player, I would like some ambient noises from the outside whenever I am near a window (cars going by, singing birds, etc.)
As a player, I want UI so that I can navigate between the menu and the UI
As a player, I want a main menu that lets me play or quit the game so that I can leave whenever I want
As a player, I want a pause menu so that I can pause the game if I am interrupted
As a player, I want endgame UI that makes it clear I have lost or won and will let me navigate between menus
Initially, we planned to have multiplayer in our game. It was a key component of our project and of our gameplay. However, we faced multiple issues with this. These included:
players could not properly see the movement of other players. It would seem like they were teleporting or stuck
setting up the networking took a bit of time to set up, which we believed deterred some people from playtesting our game which limited the feedback we received
we encountered several critical programming issues that arose due to the fact that we had to adjust our code to work in a multiplayer environment
Due to the difficulty of making networking work, we set up a meeting with Jaime (the subject head) to discuss how we were having difficulty progressing further with networking. After this meeting and several discussions with the team, the team ultimately decided to make significant changes to the scope and project. These changes involved changing the objective, removing any networking-related assets, and introducing new visual elements.
My Tasks
[US03] As a player, I want the human to be spawned at different places every time so that it gives a different game experience every time.
[US08] As a player, I want the human to be AI-implemented as they are the primary obstacle towards the player (2hr)
[US08.1] As a player, I want the human to patrol throughout the house and within certain areas/rooms (2hrs)
[US08.1.2] As a player, I want the human to have a set destination when traveling between rooms (0.5hrs)
[US08.2.1] As a player, I want the human’s movement to speed up as the game timer almost reaches 0 (1hr)
[US08.3] As a player, I want the human to have AI senses that simulate sight and hearing so there a level of realism in the game
[US08.4] As a player, I want a certain effect to occur whenever the player is stepped on or collides with the human
[US08.5.2.1] As a player, I want the distractions to be on cooldown after being used so that I do not have the power of spamming (1hr)
[US08.6] As a player, I want the human to drop the toy so that the player can retrieve and move it away from the human (1hr)
[US08.7] As a player, I want to lose when the human has the toy by the end of the timer, and win if the human does not have the toy at the end of the timer (0.5hr)
Total Hours: 11 hrs
SCRUM Meeting 1
[US08.1] As a player, I want the human to patrol throughout the house and within certain areas/rooms (2hrs)
[US08.1.2] As a player, I want the human to have a set destination when traveling between rooms (0.5hrs)
[US08.5.2.1] As a player, I want the distractions to be on cooldown after being used so that I d
To Do:
[US03] As a player, I want the human to be spawned at different places every time so that it gives a different game experience every time.
[US08] As a player, I want the human to be AI-implemented as they are the primary obstacle towards the player (2hr)
[US08.2.1] As a player, I want the human’s movement to speed up as the game timer almost reaches 0 (1hr)
[US08.3] As a player, I want the human to have AI senses that simulate sight and hearing so there a level of realism in the game
[US08.4] As a player, I want a certain effect to occur whenever the player is stepped on or collides with the human
[US08.6] As a player, I want the human to drop the toy so that the player can retrieve and move it away from the human (1hr)
[US08.7] As a player, I want to lose when the human has the toy by the end of the timer, and win if the human does not have the toy at the end of the timer (0.5hr)
Remaining: 7.5 hrs
A lot of work is in collaboration with Mohamad, so at times there were pauses in development as we heavily relied on each other to get certain tasks done.
A lot of time has been wasted working on figuring out the navigation mesh system for the AI, as well as integrating them into the scripts that Mohamad had already laid out as a basis.
SCRUM Meeting 2
[US08] As a player, I want the human to be AI-implemented as they are the primary obstacle towards the player (2hr)
[US08.2.1] As a player, I want the human’s movement to speed up as the game timer almost reaches 0 (1hr)
[US08.6] As a player, I want the human to drop the toy so that the player can retrieve and move it away from the human (1hr)
[US08.7] As a player, I want to lose when the human has the toy by the end of the timer, and win if the human does not have the toy at the end of the timer (0.5hr)
Time Spent: 4.5 hrs
To Do:
[US03] As a player, I want the human to be spawned at different places every time so that it gives a different game experience every time.
[US08.3] As a player, I want the human to have AI senses that simulate sight and hearing so there a level of realism in the game
[US08.4] As a player, I want a certain effect to occur whenever the player is stepped on or collides with the human
Remaining: 3 hrs
The biggest challenge in the sprint was the transfer of our AI scripts and behaviours from our test scene into the actual game scene. A lot of the time was baking a new navmesh for the new environment, as well as the complication of assigning the nodes around the map. Creating new nodes for new distractions had proven to be a challenge too.
Retrospective Meeting
Our group met frequently, and the meeting’s quality was good. Most of the new User Stories came in the Planning meeting, and it was well covered during the sprint.
Placing a meeting was a great issue. Some were absent, and some had to come in very late, and some could come in but could not speak due to their premade schedule.
As we have overhauled our game, we didn’t have enough time during the sprint to test it so that at the end of the sprint, we faced a lot of bugs and errors. Though we could manage it, we should think of testing during the sprint as well so that this does not happen on the next sprint.
The density of the meeting in both aspects of quality and frequency was great. We should continue to have this way so that the project can end up successfully.
What went right -
Complete understanding of the AI scripts and their behaviours
Complete integration of the navmesh system for the AI.
The AI can patrol around the house and respond to distractions when activated
What went wrong - ​
A lot of bugs arose from distractions when integrating from test scene to game scene
The method of adding new distractions is currently inefficient
Hard to communicate and schedule meetings with other team members as they have their own daily schedules
What needs to change - ​
There needs to be a better and efficient way of adding new distractions
The AI needs to have sense implemented for a better gameplay experience
What to continue to do -
Continue to communicate with my team members so that our tasks will be completed as soon as possible
Continue working and improving on the AI system for a better gameplay experience
In the final sprint, we will focus on polishing the mechanics and aesthetics, while adding the final touches to the music and audio for the game. We have created user stories that focus on improving the AI behaviour so that it creates a challenge for the player while adding and refining the animations for the human enemy and the player character. A lot of feedback involved refining the audio management for the game, so that will be worked on during the sprint. To establish the game to have a certain plot, a plan to create simple cutscenes will be implemented as well. We will also use this sprint to focus on cleaning up any bugs that have been picked up during the playtest session, which include lighting, audio, and mechanical aspects. A UI overhaul is also needed to be improved as well, as the player does not currently have a clear idea about the game’s objective.
My Tasks
[US08] As a player, I want the human to be AI-implemented as they are the primary obstacle towards the player (2hr)
[US08.3] As a player, I want the human to have AI senses that simulate sight and hearing so there a level of realism in the game (2hrs)
[US08.4] As a player, I want a certain effect to occur whenever the player is stepped on or collides with the human (1hr)
[US13] As a player, I want the distractions for PC and toilet faucet to be fixed, as the human goes to the TV and faucet respectively instead. (0.5hr)
Total Hours: 5.5hrs
SCRUM Meeting 1
[US13] As a player, I want the distractions for PC and toilet faucet to be fixed, as the human goes to the TV and faucet respectively instead. (0.5hr)
Time Spent: 0.5hr
To Do:
[US08] As a player, I want the human to be AI-implemented as they are the primary obstacle towards the player (2hr)
[US08.3] As a player, I want the human to have AI senses that simulate sight and hearing so there a level of realism in the game (2hrs)
[US08.4] As a player, I want a certain effect to occur whenever the player is stepped on or collides with the human (1hr)
Remaining: 5hrs
Time spent on other assessments
Many members unavailable for meetups at certain times
SCRUM Meeting 2
[US08.3] As a player, I want the human to have AI senses that simulate sight and hearing so there a level of realism in the game (2hrs)
[US08.4] As a player, I want a certain effect to occur whenever the player is stepped on or collides with the human (1hr)
Time Spent: 5hrs
To Do:
[US08] As a player, I want the human to be AI-implemented as they are the primary obstacle towards the player (2hr)
Remaining: 2hrs
Animation transitions have been a big hassle
Time spent on other assessments
Retrospective Meeting
What went right -
We were able to meet on time and meet most of our deadlines
Despite the large changes we had to make(from networking to single player) we were able to retain a significant amount of assets and use them
Collaboration with the MSD students went well
What went wrong -
Because of the change from networking to single-player, we did have to discard all the networking code done
Because of the limited time now available, we were very wary of adding any features due to fears we would be introducing new issues and not have the time to fix them
Towards the end of the sprint, our focus seemed like it waned
What needs to change -
Need to be less ambitious with tasks and scope
Need to maintain focus throughout entire sprint
A more defined role as a team leader should be established
What to continue to do -
The group will continue receiving and evaluating the feedback from playtest sessions
Continue communicating and discussing what needs to be improved in our game
Each group member will focus on what they know best and apply it towards future tasks/projects
What went right -
I have managed to have completed all the tasks that have been assigned to me
I offered help and assisted other team members in completing tasks that required a collaborative effort.
The AI has been fleshed out a lot more after establishing it in Sprint 4.
I have attended a majority of the meetings that have been planned out during each sprint.
What went wrong -
Coding with a navigation mesh and agent has produced some issues that involved some inefficient code to a certain extent
Integrating animation transitions into the AI behaviour script has been frustrating to get to work
Time constraints had restricted us from adding more features to the AI that we initially planned for
What needs to change -
I need to be more realistic when scoping our game and stick with what I know best
Plan my time better as a lot of my impediments revolve around other assessments
Communication should have been more efficient and proactive when organising and planning our tasks
What to continue to do -
Continue communicating with my teammates and keeping them updated on my progress
Continue my focus on getting my assigned tasks done
Keep receiving and analyzing the feedback for our project and work